Shoes Make Me Happy. I'm Superficial. Whatever.

August 30, 2012

Hola, hola everyone! I was doing some inventory of my travel pics and came across this pic of mine my friend Helen(e) took in one of my Singapura visits last year.

I think we both agreed that these words are powerful (and just so arte) to justify my fondness for footwear.

Singapura 2011 | Rubi and Cotton On are sister companies I think. Hopefully after Cotton On opens in Manila, Rubi's next:)

Well this blog is not only about makeup, travel, fashion and anything goes but shoes as well! 

In all honesty, I am trying my best not to fall in love with shoes every time I see those beautiful ones. Of course---> to NO AVAIL!

Well here is a fact about me (well at least according to Rubi--a shop in SG):

Shoes Make Me Happy. I'm Superficial. Whatever.

Miss J

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