REVISITED | Dove Go Sleeveless Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Review
September 17, 2014
I am always insecure with my underarms believe me. And because
I started wearing deodorant in my teens, (Rexona - I think was the very first
brand I used) I had to deal with unpleasant underarm problems later on in my life. I’m soon planning to get lasers to permanently get
rid of the hair but that’s another story.
I pluck my armpit hair and I know that’s not pretty. It can
give you that dreaded chicken skin. But I won’t forgive myself if I start
sweating just in case I forgot to put my deodorant. I’ve been buying deodorant
sprays than sticks simply because it is more hygienic and convenient to
use. I do however can develop resistance
on products so from time to time, I need to jump and get a new brand to
interchangeably use them. Then I’d see the same product working for me again.
If you are a fan of Dove products like I am, I am always
curious. So one day while doing my usual shopping at S&R, I picked up the Dove
Go Sleeveless Anti-Perspirant Deodorant for Php 299.00. Well I does not promise
much as far as what’s displayed on its packaging except that it encourages you
to wear sleeveless in 5 days. Okay, deal.
What I like about this product is that it is fragrance-free.
And if you twist the cap at the bottom, you’d see the product coming out of the
tube (it does look like a tube, okay) which is pretty solid. Others I’ve seen
tend to melt in some way. It also says it’s hypoallergenic which is a good
thing. And not sticky, oh my goodness, what a relief!!!! Just be careful not to
apply that much though.
The chicken skin in my armpit also improved. It claims to contain ¼ moisturizers with
Vitamin E & F. But it didn’t help in whiten my underarms but hey, it doesn't promise anything like that (me, wishful thinking). Also, you be sure that you are the only one to use this as this comes in a stick and sharing this isn't that hygienic.It does come pricey however, but pretty much I don't mind picking it up since it imported from somewhere so I think it's worth anyway.
Overall Verdict:
4.5 Lipsticks
Buy Again: Yes, sure. I use this product then go back to my
spray then back again. It does work for me this way.
Any success with Dove’s deodorant/ anti-perspirant so far?
Tell me about it.