My 2016 Year End Review

January 13, 2017

- Because it's 2017 now and 2016 needs a review.-

I've been very bad in 2016. Like really bad. Slacking off a little (or perhaps too much). Been to some places, met new people along the way, struggled with internal conflicts in mid-April till May, but ended the year on the streets of Taipei. What a year it was!

I'm having too much thoughts running as I type this. I have so many stories to tell and yes- too many makeup and skin scare products to review hehe. I think I owe everyone who gets to read this blog some proper apology. It's never too easy to take care of others when I needed some care myself. It's a hard choice between making myself better first as I know my struggles will somewhow impact the way I write on this blog.

As I ask for your understanding, I will not keep promises that I will do better writing on this blog, rather I'd continue to love myself more so I can love others and hopefully write better.

Also, if you somehow missed me, can you leave me a comment?


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